Friday, February 6, 2009

GPSMAP 76S comes back from the dead!

Last summer, I powered up my afore mentioned GPS unit to have it lock up on me. It acquired some satellites and then, abruptly, the screen went blank with only a thin, solid vertical line displayed.
Of course, I did the requisite T/S: power, terminal contacts, etc. to no avail. So, I gave up on my more than 4 yr old unit.

As I was getting ready to throw it out, I chanced to call Garmin customer service just in case there was a solution other than the $99 remanufacturing fee. Et Voila', the service tech informed me that due to a new WAAS satellite, this, and some other Garmin units were malfunctioning. Solution: Power up unit in a place where there is no chance of receiving satellite signals and turn off "WAAS enabled" in the setup.

This is a work-around until Garmin updates the firmware for this unit at some undisclosed date in the future.

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